Poster Map ProjectCreate a map with your group that shows a layout of the portion of America that is being discussed during this unit. Poster board/paper will be provided for you and your group to draw your map.
Your map will need to be labeled with key points of interest and events that took place during the unit covered WITH a short explanation of the importance of each place to the unit being covered. Below is a list of events and points of interest that are required to be included in your map. Please go beyond this list in adding additional important information marked with a star (✪) for extra credit. * = label only MAPS MUST BE COLORED |
Allies (World War I) American Samoa Battle of Manila Bay Battle of Marne Battle of San Juan Hill Caribbean Sea |
Central Powers (World War I)
China Cuba Devil's Tower Election of 1916 Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine Guam Hawaii |
Mexico (Pancho Villa)
New York City* Palmer Raids Panama Canal Philippines Puerto Rico Schenck v. United States |
Sinking of the Lusitania
Spain Tokyo, Japan Treaty of Versailles U.S. Virgin Islands Yellowstone National Park Yosemite National Park |