Create a scale model of one of the places to know found on the Places to Know Test and then write a 3-page paper describing the place in details along with the general history and fun facts (how many people visit it each year, how much does it cost to keep up, etc.) (may work in partners, but no more than 2)
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet |
Evaluate the creation stories of three major religions (only one can be Abrahamic) and write an essay on the similarities and differences of each. You must include portions of each religion's creation story that you wish to address in order for comparison
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Evaluate the creation stories of three major religions (only one can be Abrahamic) and write an essay on the similarities and differences of each. You must include portions of each religion's creation story that you wish to address in order for comparison
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
Draw a detailed map of the world. Map can be a physical map or a political map, but needs to be done on poster board and be colorful.
Political Map Requirements: all countries and continents must be labeled Physical Map Requirements: all major oceans, rivers, mountains, deserts, islands, and other features must be labels (you may want to provide Mr. Taylor with a list of features you plan to use to be approved so you don't miss anything) |
1d. - Scale ModelCreate a scale model of one of the pharaoh's royal tombs (pyramids) and then write a 3-page paper describing the pyramid's details. (may work in partners, but no more than 2)
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: model can be made of cardboard or other materials and have an interior that is accessible. Decorated and furnished the interior with appropriate scenes and items including sarcophagus and other artifacts known to have been recovered from other Egyptian burial sites. |
1e. - Egyptian Gods and GoddessesChoose three of the following Egyptian gods to research and create an illustrated encyclopedia entry.
Entry Requirement: entries should be 8½" x 11" and placed in a binder, sources cited Acceptable Egyptian Gods: Amun, Anubis, Baster, Horus, Isis, Nephthya, Nun, Osiris, Re, Sekhmet, Seth |
2a. - Greek Gods, Goddesses and TitansChoose three of the following Greek gods to research and create an illustrated encyclopedia entry.
Entry Requirement:entries should be 8½" x 11" and placed in a binder, sources cited Acceptable Egyptian Gods: Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Mercury, Apollo, Aphrodite, Mars, Gaia, Chronos, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Rhea, Atlas, Prometheus, Styx |
43a. - Early Christian HistoryResearch the history and development of Christianity from Jesus' death till the Council of Nicea in 325A.D. Then write a summary (4 page minimum) of the major and minor events that helped the early development of the Christian faith focusing on the conflict between early Christian groups, what there conflict was about and how was it resolved. How did these major and minor events impact the development of Christianity: make an argument!
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
4a. - Christian SaintsResearch the criteria to be sainted, the process it takes to become a saint and three Catholic saints. Then write a summary (2 page minimum each) of their lives and impact on Christianity that these three saints had including how and why these three were sainted.
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
4b. - Pictorial TimelineCreate a pictorial timeline presentation of the Dark Ages that shows the major events that helped shape the era. Make sure not to forget any major events from the period.
Project Requirement: each image must be label, dated, and include a short sentence describing its importance |
4c. - Feudal SystemDraw and label a colorful diagram of the feudal system complete with a castle and all its parts on poster board
Poster Requirements: castle (moat, bailey, keep, drawbridge, curtain wall, portcullises, gatehouse, barracks, fiefs, peasants quarters, possible village, crop field |
5a. - Scale ModelCreate a scale model of one of the important events from the Crusades and then write a 4-page paper describing the event and why it is so important: make an argument! (may work in partners, but no more than 2)
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet Possible Event Choices: Siege of Antioch, Siege of Jerusalem, Siege of Damascus, Siege of Acre, Battle of Arsuf, Siege of Constantinople |
5b. - Multimedia DeathCreate a PowerPoint presentation of paintings, poetry, literature and other art (at least 10) of the Middle Ages that shows the Europeans fascination with death following the events of the Black Death.
Project Requirement: each example must be cited, dated showing the source and date the example was created, and give a paragraph description of the artwork. All examples must come from Europe between 1340-1900. |
6a. - Renaissance MasterpieceFor those with artistic talents, draw and recreate a famous Renaissance masterpiece from 1400-1520. All artwork will be graded with scrutiny by Mr. Taylor AND Mrs. Bailey (art teacher) for attention to detail and art skills so black and white or stick figures won't cut it! :)
Preferred Masterpieces: The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, Madonna and Child, School of Athens, Creation of Adam, Christ Giving the Keys to Peter If you plan to do a masterpiece other than the preferred ones, please have Mr. Taylor approve it before starting |
6b. - Age of Discovery MapDraw and label a colorful map of the major voyages during the Age of Discovery Map
Requirement: label each continent and ocean Required Voyages: Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, John Cabot, Juan Ponce deLeón, Amerigo Vespucci, Hernán Cortés, Hernando de Soto, Francisco Pizarro, Francisco de Coronado, Henry Hudson |
6c. - Columbian ExchangeWrite a research paper (3 page minimum) comparing and contrasting the impact of the Columbian Exchange on America and Europe AND which you feel had a more dramatic effect on the other: make an argument!
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
6d. - Ancient Astronaut TheoryResearch ancient astronaut theory and write a report (at least 5 pages) on the theory itself and how it relates to the native tribes of the Americas. The History Channel has a great series on this topic, which is also available on Netflix. Write in support of or against this theory citing many examples (at least 5): make an argument!
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
7a. - Henry VIIIResearch three wives of Henry VIII and write a summary (3 page minimum for each) on their effect on Henry VIII and England. Why are the three you have chosen the most important wives of Henry VIII: make an argument!
Page Requirement:double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
7b. Denominational Background CheckResearch the history of your church's denomination. Then write a 5 page paper on that history and what you learned that you didn't know. Why do you feel your denomination is best: make an argument!
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
7c. Pictorial TimelineConstruct an annotated pictorial timeline highlighting the major events and discoveries that took place during the Enlightenment. Also, create and provide a blank map to locate and label the key areas mentioned in the timeline.
Visual Diagram suggestion: printer paper or small poster board (make it look official and professional) |
7d. - Musical PerformanceChoose a musical selection from the list below and perform it well for Mr. Taylor and the class or record yourself playing (your face must be shown before you perform). These musicians composed instrumental music as well as vocal music so pick one that suits you and your group.You may choose to work with partners as long as all participates perform a majority of the time.
Acceptable Musicians: Johann Bach, George Handel, Franz Haydn, & Wolfgang Mozart Grading: your performance will be subjectively graded based on overall quality of tone, tempo, correct notes, etc. |
8a. - Scale ModelCreate a scale model of one of the important events from one of the revolutions of this unit and then write a four-page paper describing the event and why it is so important: make an argument! (may work in partners, but no more than 2)
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet Possible Event Choices: Lexington and Concord, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Yorktown, Storming the Bastille, Louis XVI's execution, the assassination of Marat, Battle of Austerlitz, Battle of Waterloo, |
8b. - The Rosetta StoneMake your own Rosetta Stone. Write a paragraph about yourself (at least 20 words) and transcribe it into Spanish and French*. Then carve (yes carve) your three paragraphs (English, Spanish, and French) into either a stone or piece of wood.
Stone Requirements: must be legible in either stone, metal or wood. Points will be deducted for misspelling or grammar mistakes. * other languages may be used (clear with Mr. Taylor first) |
Create a map of Africa and southeast Asia and then map the areas of European imperialist in those areas. On a separate sheet of paper or on the map itself, write a small paragraph analyzing why each area was an advantageous location for the Europeans to control
Map suggestion: poster board (make it look official and professional) |
10a. - Trench Warfare Scale ModelCreate a scale model of trench warfare during World War I and then write a 3-page paper describing trench warfare and its effects on the war describing why it worked or didn't work: make an argument!
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet |
10b. - World War I TimelineConstruct an annotated pictorial timeline highlighting the causes of World War I, the major events that took place during the war and its aftermath on the world. Also, create and provide a blank map to locate and label the key areas mentioned in the timeline.
Visual Diagram suggestion: printer paper or small poster board (make it look official and professional) |
11a. - PropagandaCreate a PowerPoint slide show showing World War II propaganda posters fully explaining each poster's initial message AND purpose behind the poster in your own words! Then write a 2-page paper on the influence of propaganda on World War II then and how propaganda is used today.
PowerPoint Requirements: At least 12 posters must be explained (2 must be non- American posters) Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited |
Create a scale model of one of the important events from the Eastern Front and then write a four-page paper describing the event and why it is so important: make an argument! (may work in partners, but no more than 2)
Page Requirement: double-spaced, Times New Roman/Arial, 12pt. font, sources cited Scale Model: no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet Possible Event Choices: Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Kursk, Battle of Moscow, Battle of Berlin |
12a. - Pictorial TimelineCreate a pictorial timeline presentation of an annotated pictorial timeline with the major events that took place from 1945-1991 in Europe and around the world.
Project Requirement: each example must be cited, annotated, and dated showing the source and date the event took place. |