After World War II, America and the Soviet Union emerged as the two superpowers with tensions between the two developing during the last stages of war that could boil over to an outbreak of war. These tensions led both nations to compete economically, politically, and militarily to become the ultimate superpower leading to a Cold War.
Americans grew increasingly worried about the threat of communism at home following the fall of Russia to communism at the end of World War I. That fear relapsed following World War II as the Soviet communists were now competing with America for world dominance leaving many in America to fear the threat of communist from within!
After WWII, many worried the end of the war along with the millions of men returning from the war to enter the labor market would lead the nation into a recession (temporary economic downturn). However, increased consumer spending on goods unavailable during the war along with increased government spending on infrastructure fueled economic growth.
To address the violation of their civil rights withheld from them for over a century, attempts are made to end de facto (by practice) and de jure (by law) segregation in America in a movement to change the culture of America and restore promises made to the black community following the Civil War.
The world was on the brink of nuclear war as the Cold War conflict between America and the Soviets heated up over new technology and the effects of decolonization on global economics and political systems. At its climax, the world held its breath as America and the Soviets were just hours away from full out nuclear war.