Article III of the Constitution sets up the federal judicial branch with the courts found in the branch handling federal crimes against the U.S., highly expensive lawsuits, and constitutional questions. As the Supreme Court is the highest appeals court, it tends to get the most attention of the judicial branch.
Life tenure for justices lets the court to function independent of current political climates and allows the Court can deliver controversial or unpopular court decisions, which in turn can lead to debate about the court’s power.
Those that govern have tremendous power to potential take life, liberty and property. However, institutions and legal processes are put in place to protect individual rights and restrain the government from abusing that power.
Laws help provide for our general safety and ensure our rights against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. In the United States, there are two major types of laws that can affect you directly.
In the justice system, most cases are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The civil cases dealing with disputes between parties, and the criminal cases where someone is accused of breaking the law. These are their stories....