High tariffs globally restricted trade among nations forcing countries to look overseas to Africa and Asia to sell their goods. With America’s territory quickly filling up with no room to expand, a new industrial America began looking beyond its own borders to compete with European nations and become a imperial world power.
In 1898 the United States went from a small regional power in North America, to an international imperialist power controlling a vast amount of new territory: Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and a few small Pacific Islands mostly due to one event: The Spanish-Americn War
Industrialization and imperialism changed America with cities crowded with new immigrants, awful working conditions, and failing political systems. These problems would give rise to the Progressive Movement in which the government became more involved in the lives of Americans. Throughout this era, social, political and economic issues take center stage in American lives.
Although America was officially neutral in the war, two major events involving Germany pulled America into the war on the side of the Allies in America’s first European war.
War brings out the best and worst in society. In the United States, Americans rally behind the war effort while at the same time civil liberties come under attack to protect those efforts and defend against radical communist extremists.