Part A
Design a poster or PowerPoint with the vocabulary words provided for each unit. For each vocabulary word you need to come up with at least 5 other singular words that help identify, describe, and/or explain the vocabulary word. To receive an “A” for this assignment, posters need to be colorful and provide images for a majority (more than 50%) of the vocabulary terms A sample can be found on page 3 Part B Afterwards, type out the list of vocabulary words, the other singular words you used to go with that word, and a brief description of why you chose the singular words to go with your vocabulary word. A guide can be found on page 4 |
Ancient Egypt
Babylon Civilization Great Pyramids |
Hammurabi’s Code
Ice Age Iron Age Israelites |
Mummification Neanderthals Neolithic Revolution |
Persian Empire (650B.C. – 330B.C.)
Phoenicians River-Valley Civilizations Sumerians |
Alexander the Great
Ancient Athens Ancient Sparta Battle of Marathon Battle of Plateau Battle of Thermopylae |
Golden Age of Greece Greco-Persian War Greek Mythology Greek Philosophy Greek Theatre |
Hellenistic Kingdoms
Iliad Macedonia Minoans Mycenaeans Odyssey |
Peloponnesian War
Pericles Socrates Troy |
2nd Punic War
Barbarian Invasions Battle of Adrianople Carthage Civil Wars Colosseum Council of Nicaea Emperor Augustus Emperor Constantine |
Emperor Diocletian
Emperor Nero First Triumvirate Gaelic Wars Germania Great Fire of Nero Hannibal Hun |
Pantheon Paul Persecution of the Christians Peter Pompeii Punic Wars Remus and Romulu |
Rise of Julius Caesar
Roman Empire Roman Mythology Roman Republic Second Triumvirate Sulla Vandals Visigoths |
Battle of Tours
Carolingian Empire Catholic Church Charlemagne Chivalry |
Code of Justinian
Feudalism Holy Roman Empire Islamic Expansion John I |
Justinian’s Italian Campaign
Knight Templar Magna Carta Norman Invasion Plague of Justinian |
Rashidun Conquest
Richard I Roman Catholic Church Umayyad Conquest Vikings |
Batu Khan
1st Crusades 2nd Crusades 3rd Crusades 4th Crusades Battle of Agincourt Battle of Castilian Battle of Crecy Battle of Poitier |
Black Death
Fall of Constantinople (1453) Genghis Khan Gothic Architecture Great Schism Guilds Holy Land Hundred Year’s War Inquisition |
Isabella and Ferdinand
Jerusalem Joan of Arc Kublai Khan Marco Polo Medieval China Middle Ages Universities Mongol Empire Ögodei Khan |
Philip II (France)
Pope Urban II Richard I (England) Saladin Siege of Orleans Silk Road Travels of Macro Polo |
African Slavery
Christopher Columbus Columbian Exchange Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy |
English Colonization
Ferdinand Magellan French Colonization Hernando Cortéz Italian Renaissance Jamestown |
Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Middle Passage New World Niccolò Machiavelli Roanoke Island |
Spanish Conquistadors
Treaty of Tordesillas Triangle Trade |
Adam Smith
Anne Boleyn Catherine of Aragon Council of Trent English Civil War Enlightenment |
French Civil War
Galileo Glorious Revolution Henry VIII Isaac Newton John Locke |
Louis XIV
Martin Luther Ninety-Five Theses Peace of Westphalia Queen Elizabeth Queen Mary |
Scientific Revolution Spanish Armada Thirty Year’s War William and Mary |
American Revolution
Battle of Austerlitz Battle of Waterloo Battle of Yorktown Boston Tea Party |
Continental System
French Revolution Gen. George Washington Jean Paul Marat King Louis XVI |
Marie Antoinette
Maximilien Robespierre Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon’s Hundred Days Napoleon’s Russian Invasion |
Napoleonic Code
Napoleonic Wars Seven Years’ War Storming of the Bastille The Terror |
Charles Dickens Communist Manifesto Crimean War Feminism Franco-Austrian War Franco-Prussian War |
German Unification
Giuseppe Garibaldi Guglielmo Marconi Henry Bessemer Herbert Spencer Imperialism Industrial Revolution |
Irish Potato Famine
Italian Unification James Cook James Watts Karl Marx Louis Pasteur Luddites |
Otto von Bismarck Queen Victoria Revolutions of 1848 Social Darwinism Steam Engine White Man’s Burden |
Alliance System
Archduke Ferdinand Battle of Marne Battle of Somme Battle of Verdun Czar Nicholas I |
February Revolution
Grigory Rasputin Kaiser Wilhelm II Lusitania Mandate System No Man’s Land |
October Revolution
Russian Civil War Russian Revolution Schlieffen Plan Treaty of Versailles Trench Warfare |
Vladimir Lenin
Western Front Woodrow Wilson World War I Zimmerman Note |
Adolf Hitler
Appeasement Battle of Britain Battle of Coral Sea Battle of Midway Battle of Stalingrad Battle of the Bulge Belgium |
Benito Mussolini
D-Day Enabling Act Fascism Franklin D. Roosevelt Gen. Dwight Eisenhower Hiroshima Iwo Jima |
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Joseph Stalin Munich (Conference) Pact Nagasaki Nazism Neville Chamberlin Okinawa Operation Barbarossa |
Pearl Harbor
Premier Tojo Tehran Conference Winston Churchill World War II |
38th Parallel
Apartheid Arab Spring Berlin Airlift Berlin Wall China |
Cuban Missile Crisis
Domino Theory European Union Fascism globalization Holocaust |
Iron Curtain
Israel Kim Il Sung Korean War Marshall Plan Mohandas Gandhi |
Nuremberg Trials OPEC Sept 11th, 2001 United Nations Vietnam War |